Welcome to Money to Care!

Hello. Thank you for the opportunity to introduce you to my company.
As a CPA, Hospital CFO and Healthcare Finance Executive for over 30 years, the #1 thing I have learned is that success is a co-dependent sport: Finance and Operations need each other.
Without adequate financial resources, care givers cannot take care of patients, and without patients to generate revenue, there are no financial resources. To achieve success, the focus on both must be balanced and understood across the entire Enterprise. As basic as that may seem, I rarely see it happening. When I began looking to see why, I learned a second thing….
I learned that most non-financial leaders have never had any education around finance. The day after their first promotion to management we simply assume they are ready to be responsible and accountable for preparation of their budget and the financial performance of their department(s). Not only is this not fair to them – it isn’t even feasible!
These two revelations drove me to form my company: Money to Care, LLC. I wrote my book “Money to Care: Hospital Finance for Non-Financial Hospital Leaders”, and then I went back to school, completed my Masters in Adult Education and Training, developed classes, and began teaching. The results have been phenomenal! Assessment testing scores improve from an average of 32% before the class to 94% after it, and students rate the relevance and usefulness of the class at an average of 4.7/5.0. Student testimonials really tell the story.
I hope you will take a few minutes to look around the site. Then let’s talk!